Should teen driving licenses be tied to school attendance or grades?

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15 Responses to “Should teen driving licenses be tied to school attendance or grades?”

  1. Greg Ohio Municipal Courtlaw Says:

    I think this would be a good idea for Ohio. If students are unmotivated in the classroom, they should be given something that could potentially motivate them. Although this may not have a direct correlation in grades, maybe attendance would increase giving those students who prefer to skip school a reason to attend. Attendance then would decrease the amount of teens who get in trouble. I would really like to see some statistics on the attendance rates, grades, and amount of trouble the teens get into after given a little bit of incentive to go to school and attempt to excel!

    Great blog!


  2. coty Says:

    driving is a privolige not a right

  3. Sarah Says:

    I am a high school student, and even I think this is a good idea. Why should teens get the privilege to drive when they can’t be responsible for their own education?

    • dylan Says:

      weel you only have 12 years of eduaction, and you wil drive for most of your life. every day. so it should be a right. not a privilage

  4. Elijah Says:

    Hi I am in 7th grade and i am debating on this topic thanks for the ideas and reasons. I am for this ides.

  5. mariana Says:

    this is jank! i agree w? it being a privilege not a right!!!

  6. Teryl Says:

    Well, here’s the thing. What do driving privileges have to do with grades? Why should traffic or driving laws effect whether or not a student is allowed to drive. The law is, a person can drive at the age of 16 or maybe in some states 18 (by then they are probably graduated…18 that is). Whether a student has a driver’s license or not, they will still ditch school or get bad grades if that is what the student chooses to do. Grades and attendence comes from within. The importance of grades and attendence should be instilled in the student routinely. The fear of being held back a grade should be enough to keep the student’s grades up and if it’s not, then there’s something else going on with that particular student whether it be a mental, emotional, home, or teacher issue, it needs to be addressed.

    Taking away a teen’s license could also interfere with a family emergency. Would if someone in the family needs help and needs to go to the hospital and the teen is the only one available to drive to the hospital. Or, if someone in the family is stranded somewhere and the teen is the only person they can get a hold of to come pick them up? Would if the teen needs to work a part time job to supplement the family’s income? Would if that job is a babysitting job and the teen needs to drive the children somewhere? Would if the teen needs to go back to school and the only way to get there is to drive? (That’s the same concept as a credit card company raising their interrest because a customer is late making a payment…now they’re really going to have trouble paying on that card). In other words, it’s putting the student in more of an educational debt than they were in the first place. The control needs to come from home and school, not from the DMV.

  7. jane cruuir Says:

    in response toteryl, they could just use the bus to get around

  8. Densie Says:

    Getting their driver’s license revoked is not and should not be related to school. Whether the student is not doing well in shcool should not determine if they are allowed to drive, but it will help motivate many studetns in high school to do better if they really want this privilege. In any case, if there is a family emergency and they don not have their license they can always use another method of trasnportation. A car is not the only way to get around anymore in these modern times. Even if this does not help the studetns grade it will definitely help with their attendance and can possibly keep them out of trouble. Also this will probably keep many students from getting their license because they just do not care about school which means there will be less teens on the street and there will also be a decrease in deathly teen accidents. In other words, this may help high scool teens to either be more responsible about their academic performances or it will only make them care less and keep them off the streets.

  9. brandon Says:

    that is a STUPID IDEA!!!!!!!! how is that fair it would be the kids idea to fail if they wont to let em its there life not yours why do adults have to get rid of all of our fun thats profiling and not right

    • Braedon Says:

      in response to Brandon. If i student isn’t responsible enough to get good grades, would you really want to share the road with them?

  10. nat Says:

    The privilege of a license might seem to correlate with a GPA score, however, these two things do not relate. When a B+ or above student receives a license, he/she has the same possibility to worsen their grades with everyone else who has a GPA lower than a B+. A responsible person does not mean that they are good student, so it is not fair for those students to lose this privilege simply because of their grade.

  11. nat Says:

    in response to densie, by saying since license are privilege and motivates kids to do better, doesn’t it make more sense than to say driving and school relates to one another?

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